Sixth Edition
Lienhard, J. H., V and Lienhard, J. H., IV. A Heat Transfer Textbook, 6th ed. Cambridge MA: Phlogiston Press, 2024.
BibTeX (ebook)
@book{ahtt6e,author = {Lienhard, V, J. H. and Lienhard, IV, J. H.},
title = {A Heat Transfer Textbook},
publisher = {Phlogiston Press},
year = {2024},
month = apr,
address = {Cambridge, MA},
edition = {6th},
url = {},
note = {Version 6.00},
language = english,
pagetotal = {810},
Fifth Edition
BibTeX (ebook)
@book{ahtt5e,author = {Lienhard, IV, J. H. and Lienhard, V, J. H.},
title = {A Heat Transfer Textbook},
publisher = {Phlogiston Press},
year = {2020},
month = aug # “~14”,
address = {Cambridge, MA},
edition = {5th},
url = {},
note = {Version 5.10},
language = english,
pagetotal = {784},
BibTeX (print)
@book{ahtt5p,author = {Lienhard, IV, J. H. and Lienhard, V, J. H.},
title = {A Heat Transfer Textbook},
publisher = {Dover Publications},
year = {2019},
month = dec,
address = {Mineola, NY},
edition = {5th},
isbn = {9780486837352},
url = {},
language = english,
pagetotal = {784},